The accuracy of the following configuration of CARDIOSIM© was evaluated through the program Stata© using t-test and a Mann-Whitney test as a check.
In the representation showed in Figure, the left (right) heart is modelled with the "Numerical Heart Model (2)", the systemic circulation is reproduced with a three cell model and a venous compartment (see Systemic Network 3) and for the pulmonary circulation is used the Pulmonary Network 4 representation. Ras, Rvs1 and Rvs2 are variable resistances.
In order to perform the statistical analysis the hemodynamic conditions of six pathological patients were simulated with the described network. The measured patients parameters are shown in Table 1 where: BP is the blood pressure; RA (RV) is the rigth atrial (ventricular) pressure; PA (PCWP) is the pulmonary arterial (capillary wedge) pressure; HR is the heart rate; LVEF is the left ventricular ejection fraction;
Table1. Patients data from: M. Capoccia, S. Marconi, S.A. Singh, D.M. Pisanelli and C. De Lazzari (2018). Simulation as a preoperative planning approach in advanced heart failure patients. A retrospective clinical analysis. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 17(1), 52.
M. Capoccia, S. Marconi, C. De Lazzari (2018). Decision-making in advanced heart failure patients requiring LVAD insertion: Can preoperative simulation become the way forward? A case study. Journal of BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 4(2), 8-20.
BSA is the body surface area; CO (CI) is the cardiac output (index); TPG is the transpulmunary pressure gradient (TPG=PA-PCWP); PVR is the peripheral vascular resistance; RVSWI is the right ventricular stroke work index; EDV (ESV) is the left ventricular end diastolic (systolic) volume; Ea is the arterial elastance. EDV, ESV and Ea are estimated using the measured parameters.