Open loop network with: atrial reservoir (preload), left ventricle and systemic arterial tree (SAT) composed of aortic, thoracic and abdominal tracts. RAT, CAT and LAT are the resistance, compliance and inertance describing the behavior of the aortic tract.RTT (RABT), CAT (CABT) and LAT (LABT) are the resistance, compliance and inertance describing the behavior of the thoracic (abdominal) tract. LAP is the left atrial pressure, LVP is the left ventricular pressure. MV is the mitral valve and AV is the aortic valve. MV and AV are modelled using resistances and diodes. Ras is the systemic arterial peripheral (variable) resistance. Qli (Qlo) is the input (output) ventricular flow. The behavior of the native ventricle is implemented as reported in "Numerical Hart Model (1)" section.