The electric analogue showes the pulmonary arteries compartment modelled with RL (Rwpua and Lwpua) elements and 4-MW element (Rpua, Lpua, RVpua and Cpua). Rpua (Rwpua) is the pulmonary (wedge) artery resistance; Lpua (Lwpua) is the pulmonary (wedge) artery inertance; Cpua is the pulmonary arteries compliance and RVpua [mmHg·cm-3·sec] is the viscoelastance of the pulmonary arteries vessels. Pulmonary capillary section is reproduced using two 4-MW elements: Rwpuc, Lwpuc, Cwpuc RVwpuc are the pulmonary capillary wedge resistance, inertance, compliance and viscoelastance; Rpuc [mmHg·cm-3·sec], Lpuc [mmHg·cm-3·sec2], Cpuc [cm3·mmHg-1] and RVpuc are the pulmonary capillary resistance, inertance, compliance and viscoelastance. The Rpua value is influenced by respiratory system directly.